by Meritrust Wealth Advisors
As inflation continues to be a hot topic both nationally and globally, many of our clients find their concerns are much more personal. Specifically, the impact inflation has on the value of retirement savings is a significant worry. Over time, inflation can erode your nest egg, pulling you away from your retirement goals rather than closer.
Research by LIMRA in 2016 highlighted a startling fact: a 1% inflation rate over twenty years could reduce your Social Security benefits by $34,406. If inflation rises to 3%, this loss could balloon to over $117,000. Additionally, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services noted a 4.6% increase in healthcare expenditures in 2018, surpassing the average inflation rate of 2.4% for the same period. This means that specific costs, particularly healthcare, can escalate faster than general inflation, further impacting retirement savings. Beyond healthcare, housing, travel, and support for children and grandchildren also play roles in how quickly retirement funds might dwindle.
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